
Who we are and  what we do

Efficient Art Departments are made up of people with all skill levels, Trainees, Assistants, Draughtsperson’s, Graphic Artists, Art Directors, Set Decorators and Production Designers to name a few. Everyone with a passion, knowledge and a love of what they do.

Here in the BECTU Art Department branch we aim to share the understanding of an Art Department structure for new members beginning their career, along with links to resources, advice, training workshops, schemes and support for all art department members at all levels. Helping to improve their skills, further their career making smart choices to get the most enjoyment out of the work they do.

As an Art Department BECTU member you will have access to these links and information along with at least 2 webinars a year where you can join the conversation, ask questions and speak to specialists within the department directly.

Books on Draughting, Free 3D Models, Textures, Scale Bars and more.